Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Advance Maternal Age

So, I am 37.  I am not even sure what that means.  I don't know how to feel about that either.  I don't really care that I am 37, nor does it bother me that I will be 40 soon, so what.  I am happy with where I am in life and I don't feel any different, so why should getting older bother me???  But being pregnant and 37, that's a completely different ball game.  Apparently, every time I now have a doctor's appointment, I have to undergo all kinds of tests.  I am kind of happy about that, gives me a piece of mind, but what happened to one ultra sound at 20 weeks and a glucose test at 28?  So every appointment I get pocked and wait for some terrible news from the doctor's office.  At 12 weeks my doctor did a non invasive DNA test, which apparently can find baby's DNA in mommy's blood and tell you about all sorts of terrible genetic disorders.  Thank God, we didn't have any, but we did get to find out that Baby #4 is a Boy!  So, is it totally crazy of me to keep googling the accuracy of this test?  I just hate for everyone to be so excited, only to find out at an ultra sound that the test was inaccurate and its a girl.  I know I sound like a terrible person, so shoot me, but I have three girls!!!!!!!!!   The only person that knows what its like, is the person that has three or more girls, and if you are not that person, then don't judge.  My house is filled with tutus and all things pink.  I spend hours doing hair and getting them dressed and its only getting worse.  My husband does nothing.  He sits on a couch and says that if they were boys, he would help, otherwise he has no clue what to do with them.  I always wanted to have a little girl.  And when I had one, I wanted to have another one, because there is not greater joy then having a sister, trust me, I know.  But when our third one was a girl, well, that felt like we were sort of being cheated..... I mean, she is amazing and beautfiul and smart and we love her more than anything in the world, I feel like I have to say that for those that are judging, but its all true and she is the nicest one of the three, but why didn't we get to experience what its like to have a son.  I felt bad for my husband, who always waiting for the ultra sound tech to say, here it is, its a boy......So, this nervousness of mine makes sense.  I just want to make sure that this is not some sort of a practical joke and we are really having our fourth and final boy.  In any event, all these people that say, I just want a healthy baby, drive me nuts.  Of course we all want healthy babies!!!!!!  You do not need to say it out loud, we all know that!  And if something is God forbid wrong with the Baby you won't want him or her?  I just think that we are all people and its ok to be not politically correct and just come out and say it, I prefer to deliver a little monkey ;)

Friday, February 27, 2015

Expecting # 4, oh boy....

so, we have recently discovered that we are expecting baby number 4.  my husband's first reaction was to call and schedule a vasectomy appointment, can't really blame him.  neither one of us comes from a big family and we never really planned to have more than 2, the third one was a surprise and my husband's last attempt at a boy.  after three girls he had happily realized that he will never create a boy and moved on with his life.  so, you see, how this altering life event could come as a complete and outer shock to the both of us.  i really did not know what to do for several months.  to be perfectly honest, i had scheduled not one, not two, but several appointments with the abortion clinic, big gasp.......  but for some unknown reason, couldn't get myself in there.  now, i am not pro life, pro choice activist.  i think to each their own.  there is a time and place for everything and sometimes, when i watch the news and see these parents who torture and kill their children, i really do not understand why they went through the "joys' of pregnancy and delivery in the first place.  i think we are super lucky to live in a world or shall i say, in a country, where we can make a decision of what we would like to do with our lives, our bodies, our husbands (just kidding).  anyway, so here we are, 16 weeks and counting.  all the thoughts of not keeping this baby have finally disappeared and i am happily consuming all kinds of carbs and getting fat.  as to that vasectomy, yep, scheduled, done and over with, so no more accidents for us.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cell Phones, the never ending dilemma

My daughter is turning 10 tomorrow and she wants a cell phone.  Obviously, all of her friends already have cell phones and she is the only outcast without one, those are the facts according to her.  I am not so sure that these facts are really facts or even really relevant, but my husband does not want to give her the phone, claiming she is not mature enough to handle a phone responsibly.  I cannot go against what he believes, but I really want to get her a phone.....First of all, it will make my life easier, with all of her activities and all, I will always feel safe, well, at least when she will actually pick up her phone.  Also, that resolves the gift issues and I don't have to spend the next 24 hours running around in search of a birthday gift for her, which will be more difficult then convincing my husband that we should get her a phone.  Ok, so I guess it is resolved, will have to exercise all of my womanly powers on my husband for the next 24 hours and Becki might be in luck!

Sick kid, to be or not to be, or should I send her to school?

What is the correct degree of sickness, where it is appropriate to keep your child at home?  I have no idea.  I always thought, well, it is all about the way they feel, but today I sent my daughter to school with a stomach ache, I am sure she wasn't feeling that great.  Should I feel guilty???  Is she going to be alright?  I am sure she will be fine.  She did not have a fever, nor was she throwing up, although she did spent most of her day in the bathroom, yesterday.  This is what I figure, if it does get bad, she will go to the nurse and they will send her home, I mean, its school, not a labor camp, right?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Field Trips

My daughter's class is going on a field trip to Chicago for some culinary class, which, I think, is awesome. However, they school, in order to safe money for parents, asks parents to drive the kids, so you can end up with 3-4 kids in your car, driving 1 hour each way. I absolutely dread these kind of field trips. I cannot explain it, I love my kids and I know that they love when I chaperoning their field trips, but I don't love other people's kids, is that so wrong??? Honestly, if it was up to me, I would never, ever, shaparone another field trip, but the guilt drives me insane, so I end up voluntareering..... and dreading the day.... More on this field trip to follow :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

seriously, why do i care????

my 6 year old insisted to share a room with her 3 year old sister. the 3 year old, slept perfectly fine alone, without the whole: leave the door open, leave the light in the closet on, lay down with me for a minute bs. i refused my 6 year old's request, however, my husband decided that it might not be such a bad idea, since our 6 year old is terrified to sleep at night by herself. in any event, they are sleeping together now. i keep thinking that this was a bad, bad idea, i guess we will have to wait and see.